Guaranteed bacteria-free water
and effective disinfection in an industrial environment

Bacteria-free water and thoroughly disinfected industrial environments are often decisive prerequisites for safe and efficient production. But maintaining a bacteria-free environment often requires time-consuming reactive measures with harmful chemicals. Anolytech’s environmentally friendly system instead works preventively and the production of our unique disinfection solution AnoDes takes place on site at your place, which means that you always have access to disinfection.

Effective against bacteria and biofilm

AnoDes is a pH-optimized hypochlorous acid that is extracted from salt using only water and electricity. AnoDes effectively kills bacteria, viruses, spores, mold and fungi and stops the growth of biofilm in water pipes. By continuously dosing AnoDes into the water, it stays bacteria-free around the clock, all year round.


Manufacturing takes place in a facility that you rent from Anolytech and which is connected directly to the property’s water system. Anolytech’s system is easy to install and disinfection is automatic, with the exception of adding salt.
From the facility, concentrates of AnoDes can also be bottled and used for disinfection in a number of different areas. AnoDes contains no harmful chemicals and is harmless to people and nature.

Preventive protection and long-term effect

Anolytech’s preventive disinfection system differs from traditional methods where disinfection is done only when problems have occurred and water pipes and other parts of the water system must be flushed clean or replaced. The interventions remove the symptoms for the time being, but do not solve the basic problem that bacteria can constantly be introduced and spread in the water and pipes.

With Anolytech’s method, the problem is completely eliminated because small amounts of the bactericidal AnoDes are constantly present in the water pipes. The presence of AnoDes also acts as a safe barrier should the incoming water deteriorate temporarily. AnoDes then provides preventive protection so that bacterial growth cannot occur.

Disinfection of drinking water

Anolytech’s system complies with the Swedish Food Agency’s regulations (SLVFS 2001:30) on drinking water. As the system connects to your water system, it ensures that the incoming water is bacteria-free and the continuous dosing of AnoDes then ensures that the water remains bacteria-free during its journey through the water system, including spray nozzles, hoses and dead-ends. At the same time, AnoDes prevents the new growth of cinema.


The system makes it possible to effectively reduce the bacterial pressure that conveyor belts and other equipment are often exposed to, and the disinfection can be carried out during ongoing production.

Hydroponic cultivation

When growing food hydroponically, the requirements for bacteria-free water are naturally very high. Anolytech’s environmentally friendly system prevents bacterial attack and biofilm growth so that both growers and consumers can feel safe. AnoDes in the water have also been shown to extend the shelf life of what is grown.

Water-based products

Products such as water-based paint can use AnoDe’s bactericidal effect to avoid mold formation in the finished product.

Production of ice

When producing ice, the risk of bacterial attack and biofilm growth is eliminated because AnoDes remains active even after freezing. When the ice melts, the melt water thus adds no bacteria to the environment.

Changing rooms and showers

Legionella bacteria can take hold in changing room showers and faucets and cause Legionnaires’ disease, a serious form of pneumonia. The bacteria are spread to the lungs via water mist when water jets are broken in shower nozzles and air mixers on water taps. By continuously adding AnoDes to the water, legionella bacteria are prevented from taking hold and spreading, while shower nozzles do not need to be changed as often.


When purifying and recycling gray water and waste water, Anolytech’s system complements other purification systems and makes the water bacteria-free. Purifying and recycling waste water from industries to an increased extent is an important step in achieving the UN’s global goals.

Clean In Place (CIP)

CIP cleaning is traditionally a cleaning process that requires a lot of water, chemicals and energy. In many hygiene-critical productions such as the food and pharmaceutical industry, it is also necessary to disinfect the production system after CIP cleaning, which requires additional water use and chemicals. With Anolytech’s environmentally friendly disinfection system, no harmful chemicals are needed in the disinfection step. At the same time, large amounts of water and energy can be saved.

Packaging material, return trays and containers

AnoDes can be used to disinfect, for example, packaging materials, return trays and containers before, during and after production. In this way, it is ensured that no bacteria lingers during the production steps and risks being transferred to the product, subsequent departments, producers or end recipients further down the chain.

Other disinfection of surfaces and objects

With AnoDes, you can disinfect entire rooms, walls, work surfaces, tools and other loose objects. Disinfection with AnoDes can be done in several ways, for example through nozzles, spray applications, hand sprayers or a fogging machine that spreads dry fog for effective disinfection of all surfaces in the room at the same time. Anolytech offers a fogging machine that is approved according to standard EN-17272 for mechanical automated airborne room disinfection. AnoDes can also be dropped onto spray bottles for simple and quick disinfection of smaller surfaces and objects.

Hand disinfection

Since AnoDes is produced on site at your place, you can make your own hand sanitizer by pouring AnoDes onto pump bottles. The finished solution is approved as hygienic hand disinfection according to EN1500. AnoDes is very gentle and does not dry out the skin like alcohol-based hand disinfection does.

  • With AnoDes in the water system, you can reduce water usage and chemical consumption, as well as save energy.
  • The bactericidal effect of concentrated AnoDes is 200 times higher than that of chlorine.
  • Among other things, AnoDes attacks proteins in the cell membranes of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms so that the cell ruptures and dies.
  • Disinfection efforts made after problems have arisen can be expensive and time-consuming. With our system, disinfection occurs continuously and preventively, saving both time and money.
  • AnoDes is harmless to both humans and nature. When the disinfection solution is consumed, it reverts to its components, which consist of 99.95% water and 0.05% biodegradable substances.

"There are really no limits to how many industries who can benefit from our environmentally friendly disinfection solution. From hydroponics to large-scale industrial processes, everyone wins on using fewer chemicals and wasting less water.”

Sandra Lindström, vd Anolytech

Contributes to the following UN global sustainability goals