Problems with growth disappeared with Anolytech’s environmentally friendly disinfection of water

Chicken producer Gallus Elit outside Mariefred had problems with animal growth. Different solutions were tested, but Swedish Anolytech’s system for disinfection of water without harmful chemicals proved to be the game changer. Vinterled houses a poultry farm with an impressive hen and chicken history. Already 100 years ago, the farm is said to have been […]
Legionella in the water in the new psychiatric building in Växjö is handled using Swedish system

Legionella in Water in New Psychiatric Building in Växjö Addressed with Swedish System In mid-May, elevated levels of the bacteria Legionella were discovered in the water of the new specialist psychiatric building at the Sigfrids area in Växjö. After taking traditional measures to address the problem, Region Kronoberg is now installing a Swedish hypochlorous acid […]
Biotechnology Awards to Anolytech

Anolytech blir utnämnd till Best Environmentally-Friendly Disinfection Technology Provider GHP Magazine (Global Health & Pharma) has announced the winners of the 2021 Biotechnology Awards. Anolytech Norden AB has been nominated as the Best Environmentally-Friendly Disinfection Technology Provider in Europe. The Biotechnology Awards once again shine a spotlight on the pioneers in this evolving and […]
New Test Completed. Anolyt-pH Kills Viruses, Including the Coronavirus Family!

Now Our Disinfection Meets Yet Another EN Standard! Throughout the year, we have conducted several tests on our disinfection. Anolytech’s disinfection, Anolyt-pH, meets the requirements of six European standards for disinfection in healthcare, medical, food, industrial, household, and institutional areas. Our latest test meets the requirements of the European standard EN 14476. This was an […]
Maria Törnqvist Has Noticed a Big Difference in the Stable After Installing Anolytech’s Machine

Maria Törnqvist installed Anolytech’s machine in her stable 8 months ago after a recommendation from a friend who is a professor specializing in water. “I have noticed a big difference in the horses; they now drink more and no longer become dehydrated. I am incredibly satisfied with the results and am glad that Anolytech […]