Secure the chickens access to bacteria-free water - 24/7

Bacteria-free drinking water is a basic prerequisite for animal health and stable production. Keeping the water system free of harmful microorganisms and biofilm is often a challenge. Because even if the incoming water is high quality, the chickens can add new bacteria and a lot of time is spent on regularly disinfecting the water system (frequently with environmentally harmful chemicals). The measures solve the problem for the moment, but after a while the bacterial growth returns and disinfection must be done again. All this can be avoided with Anolytech’s environmentally friendly water disinfection system.

Focus on preventive animal health

Although the drinking water is of high quality when it enters the plant, it risks deteriorating on the way through the barns. When bacteria contaminate the water, it can make the chickens sick, but also impairs their ability to absorb the nutrients from the feed. Contaminated water affects the entire feed supply and can mean that a high-quality (often expensive) feed does not have optimal conditions to provide the chickens with nutrients, which they benefit from.


If the bacterial level in the water varies over time, it will also be more difficult to assess how much feed should be given. Instead, if the water is kept constantly bacteria-free, chicken growth will improve and the differences between batches will be smaller. Bacteria-free water is a basic prerequisite for stable and cost-effective production. Anolytech’s environmentally friendly disinfection system contributes to good animal health by continuously disinfecting the water for preventive purposes.

Effective against bacteria and biofilm

Anolytech’s unique system ensures the animals’ access to fresh water by continuously dosing Anolytech’s disinfectant solution AnoDes in the drinking water pipe. AnoDes already effectively kills bacteria, viruses, spores, mould and fungus in small doses and stops the growth of biofilm that otherwise risks clogging the water system. Which, in turn forms a breeding ground for bacteria.


Since AnoDes is only made from water, salt and electricity, it does not contain any hazardous chemicals. This makes AnoDes both environmentally friendly and completely harmless to animals. The chickens own bacterial flora in the stomach and intestines, for example, is not affected by the small doses of AnoDes in the water. AnoDes is produced on site in a system that you rent from Anolytech. The system is connected directly to the property’s water system.

The contamination occurs where the chickens drink

When checking the water quality, the water sample is usually taken at the beginning of the water system, where the drinking water enters the system. The samples then show that there is nothing wrong with the water, but our studies show that the majority of all bacteria in the animals’ drinking water are introduced later, further into the system and often by the animals themselves. This could be, for example, intestinal bacteria or bacteria from a sick animal.


Common drinking areas are then a risky source of infection, especially in the houses of the youngest chickens where the room temperature (and therefore the water temperature) is high. When the chickens peck on the ground, they can ingest bacteria which they transmit to the nipple where they drink, which in turn transmits the infection to the next chicken. Despite the pressure in the water pipes, the infection can also be passed on to other parts of the water system and contaminate other animals in the flock.

Preventive protection and long-term effect

Anolytech’s system differs from traditional methods where disinfection is only done once problems have arisen. Pipes and nipples must be replaced or flushed clean, usually involving the use of harmful chemicals. The measures taken only remove the symptoms temporarily, but this does not solve the basic problem that bacteria can be constantly introduced and spread in the water.


Anolytech’s system completely eliminates the problem because small amounts of the bactericidal AnoDes are constantly present in the water pipes. AnoDes also acts as a safe barrier should the incoming water quality be temporarily of lesser quality. Dirty surface water from your own well or deterioration in the quality of the incoming water can cause major problems. AnoDes then provides preventive protection so that bacterial growth cannot occur.

  • There can be 700 - 800 different types of bacteria in the drinking water in a stable environment. Often, regular water samples measure only a few of these. Anolytech's AnoDes kills all types of bacteria effectively.
  • The bactericidal effect of concentrated AnoDes is 200 times higher than that of chlorine.
  • Among other things, AnoDes attacks proteins in the cell membranes of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms so that the cell ruptures and dies.
  • Periodic disinfection efforts can be both expensive and difficult to implement as the animals need to be moved. With AnoDes, the disinfection takes place continuously with the animals in place.
  • When AnoDes is consumed, it returns to its constituents: 99.5% water and 0.5% biodegradable substances. This makes AnoDes completely risk-free for both animals and nature. Bacteria that are multi-resistant to antibiotics are not a problem as AnoDes kills them as effectively as other bacteria.

"Water is the most important feed we have, clean and fresh water is essential in animal production. If you have your own well, like we do,
it's very cheap insurance."

Bengt Engdahl, Månsagården, Mariestad

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